Tagged: Aliens

spooksville 4 aliens in the sky cover

Spooksville: Aliens in the Sky Review

Aliens in the Sky shows a lot of social conscience for a book aimed at YA audience. With such sentiments as ‘girls can be heroes too’, awareness of the effects of climate change, themes of activism and even a comment about race relations can all be found here. There was also a particular level of violence, or at least hinted at, in this book – making it an interesting read overall!

alien beasts 1991

Alien Beasts: The Lack of Coherence is Out of This World!

Alien Beasts (1991) fails to deliver any horror, suspense, plot or entertainment. The movie is about a CIA unit that fights against mutated humans and terrorists who are infected by alien radiation. This is about as far as anyone can get watching the film in deciphering anything resembling a storyline. The only consistency is the constant coughing in the background.