Tagged: Anthologies

body melt movie poster

Body Melt: The Slime-Fueled Cult Horror You’ve Never Seen

Body Melt is a strange watch to say the least. Much in the spirit of Dead Alive (1992), this Ozploitation flick exhibits an obsession with copious amounts of gungey bodily fluids that both gush and explode, a cast of zany and two-dimensional characters, and much slapstick.

tales from the darkside the movie review

Tales from the Darkside: The Movie Review

Tales from the Darkside: The Movie (1990) is a horror anthology flick featuring writers; Stephen King; George A. Romero; Michael McDowell; and Arthur Conan Doyle. It is a spin-off of the television series of the same title. The film feels very much like the first two Creepshow films (let’s not mention the third one, which was a complete trainwreck!).

Goosebumps The Headless Ghost cover

The Headless Ghost: A Headache of a Read?

The Headless Ghost is certainly one of the most ‘gory’ Goosebumps out there. It depicts a scene where a young boy’s head is ripped off his shoulders, mental illness, animal abuse and someone being burned alive. All in a book aimed at kids?!