Tagged: Sci-Fi horror

spooksville 4 aliens in the sky cover

Spooksville: Aliens in the Sky Review

Aliens in the Sky shows a lot of social conscience for a book aimed at YA audience. With such sentiments as ‘girls can be heroes too’, awareness of the effects of climate change, themes of activism and even a comment about race relations can all be found here. There was also a particular level of violence, or at least hinted at, in this book – making it an interesting read overall!

2 aliens in a car by miriam-espacio

35 Sci-Fi Horror and Alien Books from the 90s

Over the past couple of weeks, I have really got the sci-fi bug. Whilst you won’t find me watching Star Trek or Star Wars anytime soon, I have been enjoying science fiction, particularly books that feature extra-terrestrials, but with a horror twist.

This of course led me to research what sci-fi horror titles are out there. Here is that list!